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On a summer’s evening, sunlight lters through
a canopy of oaks and elms as children gather to
play games. Red Light-Green Light, Simon Says,
and of course, Red Rover! eir calls ring out
as the grown-ups gather on the porch, enjoying
time to chat aer a long day. Most of the women
are stitching, the baskets at their sides lled with
scraps of the feed sacks they’d sewn into curtains,
aprons, and the clothing worn by their spirited
children. Now those scraps will become quilts,
both fancy and plain, to warm their families
and friends.

Feed Sacks: Red Rover awakens memories of
a time when work was hard and play was sweet.
But it’s also perfect for modern times and modern
quilts, as well as for skirts, tops, baby bloomers,
and travel bags. Ready to sew? “Red Rover, Red
Rover, Let yourself come over” and stitch up
something playful and fun!
Showing 1 - 4 of results
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23317 16 Feed Sacks Red Rover True Blue



23313 21 Feed Sacks Red Rover Blue White



23312 21 Feed Sacks Red Rover Sunshine



23316 11 Feed Sacks Red Rover Ruby White

$8.00 $11.99


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